🖼️Plugin Templating

TRMNL's native design system for developing beautiful, e-ink friendly screens.


The TRMNL device is an 800x480 pixel, black and white, 1-bit grayscale display. This meant we had to abandon a lot of modern web styling techniques when developing the API. For example: no gradients, no fancy typeface, and no anti-aliasing.

We replaced each of these strategies with dithering patterns, bitmap fonts, and a TRMNL-flavored design system. In these docs you'll learn how to adopt our system to build your own beautiful plugins.


Create an HTML file with our plugins CSS embedded in the <head>.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://usetrmnl.com/css/latest/plugins.css">
  <body class="environment">
    <div class="view view--full">
      <div class="layout">
        <div class="columns">
          <div class="column">
            <div class="markdown">
              <span class="title">Motivational Quote</span>
              <div class="content content--center">“I love inside jokes. I hope to be a part of one someday.”</div>
              <span class="label label--underline">Michael Scott</span>
      <div class="title_bar">
        <img class="image" src="https://usetrmnl.com/images/plugins/trmnl--render.svg" />
        <span class="title">Plugin Title</span>
        <span class="instance">Instance Title</span>

The above markup should produce a screen like this:

After designing a screen to your liking (more examples below), replace dynamic content with {{ variable }} references. TRMNL uses the Liquid templating library by Shopify to interpolate values into your template markup.

Next, extract inner the <div class="view view--full"> content and paste it into the Markup field of a custom plugin inside your TRMNL account.

Note: You may also leverage Liquid Filters to reduce the sanitization required by the service producing data for your TRMNL plugins. For example, you can convert "10" to "$10.00" via money_with_currency.

Basic Structure

<div class="layout">
  <div class="columns">
    <div class="column">
      {{ content }}

<div class="title_bar">
  <img class="image" src="https://vandelayindustries.com/images/logo.svg" />
  <span class="title">{{ plugin_name }}</span>
  <span class="instance"> {{ instance_name }}</span>


Place content inside a single or multiple column class divs.

This ensures that the content is centered vertically on the screen, and aligned to the top of the column with with most content.

<div class="layout">
  <div class="columns">
    <div class="column">
      {{ content }}

Gray Scale

Use r-bg-{{ shade }} classes to define background patterns from the gray scale.




Gray 1


Gray 2


Gray 3


Gray 4


Gray 5


Gray 6


Gray 7





Title & Description

<span class="title">Title</span>
<span class="title title--small">Title Small</span>
<span class="description">Description</span>


<span class="label">Label</span>
<span class="label label--underline">Label Underline</span>
<span class="label label--small">Label Small</span>
<span class="label label--small label--underline">Label Small Underline</span>


<span class="value value--xxlarge">24,276</span>
<span class="value value--xlarge">24,276</span>
<span class="value value--large">24,276</span>
<span class="value">24,276</span>
<span class="value value--small">24,276</span>
<span class="value value--xsmall">24,276</span>


Here's a simple grid markup of an equal three column grid, with gaps between the columns:

<div class="grid grid--cols-3 gap-4">


<div class="item">
  <div class="meta">
    <span class="index">1</span>
  <div class="content">
    <span class="title title--small">Monthly Catchup with Dev Team</span>
    <span class="description">A monthly meeting to discuss progress and obstacles with the development team</span>
    <div class="flex gap-2">
      <span class="label label--small label--underline">10:00 - 11:00</span>
      <span class="label label--small label--underline">Confirmed</span>


<table class="table">
      <th><span class="label label--small">Metric</span></th>
      <th><span class="label label--small">Value</span></th>
      <td><span class="title title--small">Recipients</span></td>
      <td><span class="label">20,129</span></td>
      <td><span class="title title--small">Open rate</span></td>
      <td><span class="label">6.55%</span></td>
      <td><span class="title title--small">Click rate</span></td>
      <td><span class="label">0.76%</span></td>
      <td><span class="title title--small">Unsubscribes</span></td>
      <td><span class="label">14</span></td>
      <td><span class="title title--small">Clicks</span></td>
      <td><span class="label">654</span></td>
      <td><span class="title title--small">Status</span></td>
      <td><span class="label">Completed</span></td>

Fully built Plugin

<div class="layout layout--col gap--space-between">
  <div class="grid gap--[11px]">
    <div class="col-span-2">
      <div class="item">
        <div class="meta"></div>
        <div class="content">
          <span class="value value--xlarge value--tnums">120,826</span>
          <span class="label label--large">Views</span>
    <div class="col-span-1">
      <div class="item">
        <div class="meta"></div>
        <div class="content">
          <span class="value value--xlarge value--tnums">180+</span>
          <span class="label label--large">Days Watched</span>
  <div class="w-full b-h-gray-5"></div>
  <div class="grid grid--cols-3">
    <div class="item">
      <div class="meta"></div>
      <div class="content">
        <span class="value value--tnums">
          2m 9s
        <span class="label">Average View Duration</span>
    <div class="item">
      <div class="meta"></div>
      <div class="content">
        <span class="value value--tnums">789</span>
        <span class="label">Subscribers Gained</span>
    <div class="item">
      <div class="meta"></div>
      <div class="content">
        <span class="value value--tnums">1%</span>
        <span class="label">View Through Rate</span>
  <div class="w-full b-h-gray-5"></div>
  <div class="grid grid--cols-3">
    <div class="item">
      <div class="meta"></div>
      <div class="content">
        <span class="value value--tnums">18,567</span>
        <span class="label">Likes</span>
    <div class="item">
      <div class="meta"></div>
      <div class="content">
        <span class="value value--tnums">4,568</span>
        <span class="label">Comments</span>
    <div class="item">
      <div class="meta"></div>
      <div class="content">
        <span class="value value--tnums">2,987</span>
        <span class="label">Shares</span>

<div class="title_bar">
  <img class="image" src="http://localhost:3000/images/plugins/youtube--render.svg">
  <span class="title">YouTube</span>
  <span class="instance">@MrBeast</span>

Custom Graphs

#github_commit_graph {
  width: 758px;
  height: 148px;
  overflow: hidden;

  column-count: auto;
  column-fill: auto;
  column-width: 13px;
  column-gap: 0px;

#github_commit_graph .day {
  width: 11px;
  height: 19px;
  float: left;
  border-radius: 4px;
  margin: 2px 2px 0 2px;

  break-inside: avoid-column;

Last updated